Before aku balik from Shah Alam semlm aku managed to get cake as a gift since aku cm xda mase nk pk nak bli ape for his birtday tapi aku rase kire ok la. Seme org pon dpt rase. So aku pon rayau2 kat area Sek18 heading to Baker's Cottage. Looking for fruit cake tp unlucky xda. So pk beribu2 saat la gak nk choose kan. So aku decide to buy Choc Flacky. Ade fruits on top. Kire cm ok la tuh. Oh ye! I went there wif my fren. Time nak byr tuh my fren Mr S offered to pay. Huh!! Segan nak mampos okeh but kalu org dh kate kite turut kan ajek. Rezeki la tuh kirenye..Hehhee.. A big thanx to Mr S for sponosred the cake. The very generous ek.. Cam phm jek akak die nih agak financial constrain kan..Hahaha!! Buat baik di balas baik. Kek itu sodap. Aku mmg suke kek from Baker's Cottage than Sec Rec (cam hint je nih)..
On the morning everyone has to woke up early utk brekfast bersama. Since udah lame sey idak bersama. So here goes the song..
On the morning everyone has to woke up early utk brekfast bersama. Since udah lame sey idak bersama. So here goes the song..
Happy bday to u
Happy bday happy bday
Happy birthday to Boboy..........
Turning 21st this year..Wishing u for :
1. Good health..maintain ur weight please
2. Good results..jgn malas study ma
3. Good $$..jgn boros la maksudnye tuh
4. Good partner..em..
5. Be a good son..
6. Bnyk kan senyum tuh..Ni masam jek
[Present from my parents..New furniture for his room]
Aku telah melantak dgn bnyk for breakfast okeh..
Starter : 2 biji half boiled eggs
Main Dish : Roti canai + Kuah dal + Sambal sotong
Dessert : Of course the Choc Flacky cake..Yummy!! Sedap lol
Closing : OMG! Another 2 bijik half boiled eggs..
Damn!! I ate 4 bijik eggs okeh!! Too much protien nih..
Lunch Time:
Lauk pauk umah memang best..Luv my mum..
1. Ikan terubok bakar
2. Sambal ikan bilis petai
3. Gulai tempoyak ikan patin
4. Sambal itam
wahahah!!! Ape dah jadi pade aku tat kala ini.. kekenyangan..yes!!!
BTW the sambal itam I made to fulfill my fren's request. They want it..So gurls...I'll b bring it tomorow k..Pedas berasap telinge okeh..
1 comment:
diriku bosan dirumah, bermain calculator taktala si dia syok bermain gajet dirumah...hahaha!
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