Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why women still single..

1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.

5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.

6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are after our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.

9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.

10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!

11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative. NOW, WHO THE HELL UNDERSTANDS MEN? "Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with."

credit to ein for sending me this email..I like it!!hehehe...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chocot in memory July07~Feb08

Cocot yang suke tido

Yesterday morning I received msg from my mum "ocot dah mati sian tgk matenye".
Chocot ni kembar kpd kaka. Keterunan kucing siam. He soooo manja since he was the youngest. Diorg ni lahir kat dlm kotak kasut mase kat umh sewa. Mase memula die dpt jln tuh cute sgt. Since lahir dlm kotak longgokan kasut maka die jln pon xstabil. Letak dlm umh die lari2 pastuh langgar kerusi la pintu la. Kekadang rase ble biol plak kepala tuh. Klako rase nye. Then when the nite come tepaksa la letak blk dlm kotak so xda la mak die cari kan. But they dont want o live in the kotak anymore. Main terjun2 kotak plak. Dhnye my sis & I decide to let them stay in our house. Since angah pon x keje so die la yg will take care of them. Dlm umh tuh pon dh ade sekor kitten yg namenye elmo. Kire ok la ble jd kwn kpd elmo kan. Day by day they grew up so fast. This week tgk kecik je next week dh gumuk! Diorg ni ske sgt main dlm pasu bunge. Cocot dok pasu while Kaka and Elmo at outside men cakar2 Cocot. Mcm buli Cocot gak la.
Since dok kat umh teres mase tuh so tepaksa la kurung je kittens ni dl umh. Dh mcm die ahli umh la gak. Sliding door tuh asyik tutp jek. Dah kate asyk tekurung dlm umh kan maka hal2 perkumbahan pon dilakukan dlm umh la gak kan. So angah la yg buat seme aktiviti pembersihan. Kaka & Cocot die kurang disiplin sket. Die rase nak kencing die trus je kencing xkire la depan tv ke dapor ke bwh kusi ke. Anywhere la. Angah gak la yg cuci seme najis2 nye. Mmg jage abis la sbb mmg umh tetap bersih tanpa sebarang bau2 krg enak.
Time mkn is the best moment. Dieorg be3 ni kalu mkn mmg lahap. Siap bunyi2 tp Cocot ni suke ngalah so die slalu mkn sket jek. So when come to mkn angah la yg akan suap Cocot nih. Mase memula dulu nak jilat air pon xreti kene bagi gune picagari kan. Lame2 br la reti nk jilat. Time mandi mmg la time yg plg mencabar. Kucing mane suke mandi kan. Tp cocot la yg plg cool mase mandi. Senyap saje even tak ngaiw pon. May be he like to bath. Sbb nnt bdn xbusuk kan Cocot.
Time flies, we moved to our new house. Org tak pindah lagi Cocot Kaka & Elmo pindah dulu. Ibu bought a sangkar for them sbb takut dieorg xselesa wif new home. Seminggu jek amik mase nk biase kan diri. 3of them were very happy since they hav freedom to go anywhere. Exploring the house. Blakang umh plak ade hutan so cm best gile. Die lompat lari kejar2 guling2 so and so.
Cocot ni suke sgt tido. Ble kate most of time die tdo. Mase time mkn ble plak ko sedar kan. HUH! Angah la org slalu melayan die tido. Tdo atas katil die, tgk tv sesame, memasak sesame, kemas umh seme la Cocot ikut jek angah nih. Kekadang tuh tido atas perut angah. Kalu kenduri yg perlu bermlm angah reluctant to go. Die akan cr segala mcm alasan utk elak dr p. Cocot pon cm xbg je kalu kitorg nk kuar. Kalu kami kuar umh die akan ikut jek smpi kat pintu keta. And finally angah akan ngalah untuk x p sbb sian tgk die buat muke seposen.
Middle of ramadan arituh, Angah dpt offer training tentera darat. Guess what, she only dpt berthn selama 3ari saje. Mase 2nd day tuh die dh teringat kat kucing2 kat umh. So die lari blk. Mase die blk tuh Cocot yg sambut die kat pintu pagar..Haha!!Klako btol la 2org ni kan. Cm couple plak. Cocot pon happy jek.Mase angah xda makn pon sket jek pdhal dh suap dlm mulut. Ngade2 tol Cocot nih.

Awal January arituh angah dpt offer jd TUDM. Itu mmg her dream so she need to tinggal kan Cocot kan. Em..I guess quite a tough dugaan for her. Maka tepisah la Cocot n Angah mase tuh.
1st day angah xda kat umh Cocot dh mule sedey. Makan pon xnak. Die mcm tecari2 someone jek. N probably angah la kan. Hari demi hari cocot makin susut badan nye.Makan pon sket jek. Port yg plg die suke lepak ng angah is depan tv. So evertime die masuk umh die akan dok depan tv atas kusyen die smbl pandang je kami2 tp muke die sedey je tak happy pon. Then die stat to sakit. Ye la may be sbb krg mkn kan. Badan tuh dh makin kurus. Memula sakit mate letak oinment then elok jap then sakit smule. Die asyik ngiaw jek tp suare makin ari makin serak. Sian sgt tgk die. Die dh xcm dulu lompat2 pusing2 umh. Die cume dok kat kusyen. Cm tunggu someone. Aku sedey sgt tgk.

Cocot in his favor port
Mase G, my youngest sis blk semester break, Cocot kejar die mase die turun keta and ikut je G. Mase tuh aku dpt rase yg Cocot miss angah so much. And he suffering slame angah tinggal kan die. Mase G baring dpn tv Cocot naik atas bdn G and felt sleep. Cocot a bit happy wif G tp aku rase die tau org yg tunggu tuh bkn la G. Everyday G pamper Cocot. She let Cocot to sleep in her arm eventhough tgn die dh lenguh. Suapkan die mkn. Bagi susu. Bwk die main2 kat dpn umh. Tp kegembiraan yg G bwk dlm hidup Cocot hanye la sementara.
After raya cine tuh G blk Dungun smule. And Cocot jd suram blk. Since kat umh pon hanye ade my parents. I think he fell so lonenly. My parents pon busy wif their work so mlm je la dpt manje2 kan die. Tp itu xcukup bg Cocot. He need more than that. He want angah! Day by day he become worst. Last 2week mase aku blk his condition dh cm teruk gak la..Die asyk baring jek. Bernafas pon susah jek. Asyk sekat2 cm org lelah. Tdo pon xlena. Mase tuh aku rase berat die cume 100gram jek. Aku angkat die. Ringan sgt. Mase tuh aku rase kalu die mati pon lg elok. Last Friday my mum call die ckp Cocot dh agak kronik la gak. Die even tak daya nak bgn . Bgn je then jatuh. Dek kerana badan die terlalu kurus mate die pon dh macm nak terkeluar jek. Ibu bg mkn whiskas tp 2ketul pon xabis. Then die trus terbaring. Abah pon angkat die letak dlm sangkar and selimut kan die bg die rehat. Mase lepas selimut kan tuh Kaka dtg kat Cocot and jilat2 Cocot. My mum tesentuh sgt mase tgk tuh. Then Elmo plak jilat die. Kaka and Elmo dok dlm sangkar teman kan Cocot.
Mlm pon berlalu, as usual pg Ibu bukak pintu umh n sedia kan breakfast for the cats. Saat tuh la die nmpk Cocot dh xbegerak. Die mati dlm keadaan tdo. Masih berselimut and dlm sangkar. Ibu msg aku then aku msg G. Kaka and Elmo pon sedey. Die dok diam jek dlm umh xmo mkn. Until this moment Angah xtau ape yg jd kat Cocot. Sbb aku takut angah akan blk sbb aku tau die terlampau syg all the cat. Die dh pesan suh jage seme leklok. And I'm sory angah. we've trying our best but may be Allah lebih syg kan die.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stress is at the peak

wohoooo!!! Aku amat sgt terlampau paling stress arini.. Ni memang dh tahap lapisan ke-897. Dah xle nak handle pon ye gak kot. 3more days to the due date of my 1st project.. &^%&$#$!!!!

Buat bos yang aku hormati, kalu terbace blog ni kan. Bos slalu ckp aku ade bnyk mase kan sbb sempat blogging la facebooking la frenstring la tapi hakikatnye di kala ni aku bukan la mempunyai bnyk sgt mase tetapi aku sgt amat tidak tau ape lagi nak buat kerana apabila kite tertekan kite dh mmg xle nk pk ape yg ble dibuat maka tepaksa la luah kan je kan. Semmmgnye aku ni insan yg lemah sgt lemah dgn tekanan. Xbisa nk lwn. Penat la nk lwn emosi nih. Berkecamuk dh jadinye.

I'm sorry bos to let you down. Kalu bos keciwa maka aku ni lagi aku 3765% keciwa dr bos sbb xdapt nk laksanakan tugaas kan. Namun ape kan daya aku ni xsehebat ko la bos. Pada mulenye aku xda la rase nk mampos camnih kan tp dh nak smpi ujung2 ni aku dah rase akan desakan yg amat mendalam. Dgn hardware yg aku pon xtau ke amne supplier tuh dh ship kan. Agaknye posmen tuh dah silap p ofis kot. Ape yg akan jd software plak cm anak kambeng men skipping jek.

Apsal ko telalu yakin ng aku hah bos?? Tlg la jwb. Pdhal ade org tuh baru je ditauliah kan sebagai associate developer pon br je buat 1program and die never ever xprience lansung buat program. Nape aku jd pekerja ko yg bertuah hah bos? Ade agenda yg tersembunyi ke? Nak naikkan gaji aku kpd double ke?

Aku wonder dr awl apesal la ko amik aku nih keje kan pdhal aku rase candidates lain ramai lg kot yg better dr aku. Never mind its fate for me..

Argghh!!! Camne ni bos programming xsiap2 nih...

Come on Fati!!!

Ape2 pon bos time kasih sbb meluangkan mase membace nukilan aku di board ofis td. Itu ikhlas dr lubuk hati hempeduu jantung tuh bos...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mari mengGASTRIKkan diri


Arini masuk ari ke2 perut ku mengalami sindrom angin yg xmahu kuar atau lebih dikenali sbg gastrik..Mcm anak kambeng kan!!

Semlm aku pagi aku breakfast mi kari plg segera a.k.a Maggi kari hehe..Then dlm kol2pmaku tepk nak p CIMB nak cek advanced tok bli notebook dh masuk x since internet banking offline. Aku pon sesiapla nk ke Alamanda kan. Trus la drive ke sane dgn perut yg telah diisi 4hours ago. Sampai kat Alamnda atm out of service. Dedua machine plak tuh. Aku hangin kerana masih di dlm teka teki la plak. Aku pon call la Kurets yg jauh dihujung alam tuh ajak kuar p Low Yat. Kirenye aku ala2 konfiden saje la yg duit tuh dh di bank in kan. Maka trus la aku p jemput die kat Melawati (jauh gile). P la atm Melawati. Baru nk cucuk jek aku nmpk "OUT OF SERVICE". aku semakin angin..Dah nape seme atm ke ape yg offline. Nasib la kurets ni tenang orgnye terus jek kami ke ampang point.

Fuhhh!!Lega atm ampang point ok. So trus la aku cek baki..YES!!! Dah masuk. Maka aku dgn konfi yg 200% tekan nk kuar duit. Skali lupe da max perday withdraw hanya 3k. Amount yg aku nk double. Kambeng!! Aku hanye bejaya kuar half xcukup nk bli notebook tuh. Di kala ini aku dah rase gas2 asid sudah belegar2 di perut ku. Tp demi kerja aku trus ke Low Yat after tuh. Dah la ramai org. Pusing punye pusing dpt la jupe notebook yg aku mau itu TP mslh plak aku nk tukar window VISTA ke XP PRO so kene add dlm RM800. Advanced yg aku mintak xckp. Butoh btol la kan. Dahla takle kuarkan whole amount short plak tuh. Nyudahnye keje sesia jek ke Low Yat tuh kan. Isnin gak kene p smule..Mmg penuh la caci maki diriku..

Dah caci maki tuh maka saat tu gak aku rase sakit perut lapar. Laa..patutle dah kol 530pm rupenye..Aku pon p la food court and dgn bangga order air Asam Boi ng nasi grg cine. Dah la nasi lmbt aku dok sedut air je la nyudahnya. Smpi jek nasi aku simbah ng cili kicap and..makannnnn!!!Tgh2 mkn skali satu angin puting beliung sudah jd dlm perut aku..Naahh!!!Hamek ko!!GASTRIK dah mai...Di saat tu baru la aku sedar yg aku dah teguk air yg sudah menambah kadar asid di dlm perut ku. Maka xsempatla abis nasi aku mkn trus tolak tepi dh ajak Kurets balik. Dlm keta aku dh jd butter prawn. Kaki aku dah naik cram la dok thn sakit. Pdn la muke aku kan sepjg mlm tuh aku melawan sakit nasib la ade org yg nak jagenye kan.

So moral of story: kerja2 gak..kesihatan tuh jage la..sebab kalu kite sakit bukan officemate atau client yg akan jage kan..

Friday, February 8, 2008

Am I Careless??

I went there to KL Sentral buy Fireflyz ticket for my next month trip. Naik bus from my office U88. Sux!! 2 hours in bus padahal bukannye jauh pon KL Sentral ng Damansara kan. Salah decision la kot. Konon U88 xramai org naik so xda la sesak. Mmg bus xsesak but the route yg sesak kan. Aku siap ble tido nk punye nyenyak smpi jatuh. Memalukan btol! I supposed to take U82 bus. Sigh!! Arrived there bout 7pm so trus ke counter then agak confius la kat dlm tu since tmpt amik ticket a bit tersorok la. Once the ticket was printed, em..I was the 26th customer. So have to be patient ye Fati..Ok! Then I bumped wif kwn acik, Kak Nomi. Nasib sgt die ade so ble ah borak ilang kan rase geram pasal bus n bosan menanti kan.
1jam 15minit barulah turn aku tibe. So aku pon p la tnye brother yg tak pki name tag psl ticket. Die pon agak blurr. Wonder gak xpenah ke org dtg bli kat sini or he just new there kan. Xpelah asalkan ble bli sudah ticket tuh. Memula die p booked for 1person jek padahal aku sebut 3person. Nasib la aku check out back kan. Pastuh dah setel seme byr2 then aku trus chaw since jam pon dh dekat 840pm. Badan pon dah penat gile. Blk la naik komuter to Serdang. Tgh tunggu komuter aku tgk balik ticket tuh. Eh, apsal plak la name Baharom appeared twice kan. It supposed to be Mohd Bakri n Baharom. SHEEETTT!! Silap! Komuter pon ala2 nk smpi kan. So I need to make a quick decision. Em..xpela nnt je la aku p btol kan smule kan.
Maka aku pon kembali la ke counter tuh for correcting the name kan di hari yang berikutnye. Mase tuh of course la bkn org yg same kan jage counter kate dh ari lain. Aku pon ckp kat akak tuh yg name tuh silap. Last name yg silap first name same. Pastuh akak tuh tnye la senior die (I guess). N jwpn die amat menyakitkan ati. "U cant change the name. Because it could be the different person. I suggest u to buy a new one". WOW!!Bnyk duit ko dlm aku la aku ckp..Beria aku rayu2 kan dahla xtau name bro tuh n the best part ticket aku die print gune print screen. Bukan printing yg biase. Pastuh aku tnye akak tu cmne nak buat. Die suggest aku p Subang airport. Aku dgn memaki2 brother tuh trus la ke airport.
Punye la sng jek rupenye key in jek booking no then trus ble tukar detail kan. Apsal la org kat kl sentral tuh mls!!!aku geram tol. Akak tuh siap tnye apsal ticket aku wierd sbb print screen tu la. Then die print the real booking form for me. Argh!!! Ape2 pon nsb la xpyh beli the new one kan..Hai ape la kate under one roof tp cmni ke jdnye kan. Dah la counter Fireflyz hanye ade kat kl sentral, KLIA and subang airport.
So frens out there ape2 yg kite beli ke tempah ke better la cek all detail before leave the place kan. Xda la problem di kendian hari.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kursus Kawin

Arini aku dah berkursus kawin secara online. Emm..Ble gak ek..Hehehe..Tengah aku syok2 tido (kate weekend kan) tetibe bunyi msg plak memecah gegendang telinga aku nih. Rase mls jek So aku biarkan buat 5mnt. Bile bukak je, "weh, ape rukun iman n rukun Islam" (lebih krg la dh delete plak original msg kan). Tgh blurr2 la kan br bgn maka otak aku pon xdptla proses info. Aku dpt reply 5rukun iman n 4rukun Islam. Mmg abis ku perah otak still xjupe ape jwpn. Dengan gaye xmandi aku kuar bilik trus cr buku agama. Anty aku bungkam dgn pelakuan aku yg ala2 buat tebiat kan. Aku gelak2 jek. Selak2 jupe la akhirnye. Aku trus la msg. Rukun Islam yg aku lupe tuh mmg memalukan btol. Smyg 5waktu. Hish!! Dah reply igt dh ble smbg hibernasi skali msg bunyi lagi. Kali nih soalan bertalu2 plak.
  1. Rukun Islam
  2. Rukun Iman
  3. 3 Perkara yang dilarang ketika hadas besar
  4. 3 Perkara yang membatalkan air sembahyang
  5. 3 Perkara keji
  6. 3 Perkara terpuji
  7. 5 Nama Rasul
  8. 6 nama malaikat
  9. 3 sebab kenapa hendak kawin
  10. Pengertian Harus
  11. 5 sifat Allah

Ble thn brush up my knowledge blk la kan. Ala2 dh karat gak la. Tapi bangga la ng diri sendiri kan sbb still igt sme benda tuh kan..ahaks!! Buku tu pon membantu gak la. fren tuh ckp total soalan die ade 20. Kire yg die tanye tuh bkn xtau tp lupe. Biase la jd kan. Hehehe.. So to my frens out there yg nak p kursus kawin prepare la urself dulu. Bace la kitab2 yang patut kan. Btw kwn aku tuh ckp, yang kate pasni kursus kawin ade qiamulail tuh xbtol. Disahkan oleh ustaz tmpt die kursus tuh (kat bangsar). Tp fee akan naik dlm bulan May or June dis year. Kwn aku ni nak kawin June 2009 n reason die p awal2 sbb die takut kene qiamulail. Aku pon gelabah ah gak kan kalu kene qiamulail seme kan. Hehehhe..