Saturday, January 26, 2008

cuci tangan

huhu!!Bored weekend. Luckily got best hindustan muvi to watch ,'DON'. Bnyk trick nsb bukan cite yg cinta2 nari2 golek2. Nak keluar I guess wrong day la kot since dh ujung bulan maka poket pon ala2 nyawa ikan. Time ni la baru teringat nk mkn telur kicap saje. Teringat mase blaja dulu. Maggi is must at the beginning and end of every semester.

Actually I got things to do. Need to design front panel for my software.Argh!!lazy mazy sgt kan. Due date on 6th Feb08. Ade 2 weeks to finish my software. God knows how suffer I am. Ein!!help me..Talking bout my work, actually I was stress wif my colleague. Project ni die yg deal kan wif one of local university. At that time, aku pon blum join the company. Early Jan aritu my company was awarded by that university to develop a software. Mase deal dulu dgn pandainye my colleague ni ckp the software will be complete in4 weeks duration. I dont know what was she thinking at that time. May be nak impress that client la yg die mampu buat keje within short period. Tapi mase dpt project tuh sgn bangga nye project itu diserahkan kpd aku yg ala2 sengal ini. Dah la dpt letter awarded lmbt seminggu. So dh abis seminggu then the next week I'm busy with a conference. So abis dh 2nd week. So this comin Monday will be the 3rd week. And I'm doing nothing frankly speaking. Mcm &**&*....She was like cuci tangan and I was like nk tangan kan die jek. So I need to creat a letter for extension. But i need to include a prove telling them why I need to extend. She was like kind of lembu gak la. Die suh I call the supplier and asking them to write a letter yg state that item yg akan deliver will be delay due to some difficulties.Tapi of course the supplier reluctant to give cause its kind of mencalarkan reputasi diorg la padahal item will be deliver as quoted..That time aku dh tak tau ape nk ckp maka aku suh akak ni yg ckp since die cm budget bagus kan. Dalam hati aku mase tuh mmg caci maki saja dirimu jek..hehehe..Akhirnye aku pon tak tau la dpt ke tak supplier tuh bg surat tuh tunggu je la dis Monday. Tapi seriusly la minah tuh mmg irritating abis. Mcm ape pon xtau la. Budget bagus asyik dok kipas boss saje. Nyampah je tgk.hish!!geram2..Die ni mmg suke la lepas2 keje kat org. Buat keje half way saje. Dahny kite ni tekapai2 smbg keje die. Yg dpt credit die.Geram!! Nape la aku mesti jupe perempuan nih kan. sabar je la Fati. Xlame je lagi. .hehehe..

yippie!!esok i'm going to watch AJL 22 at stadium bukit jalil. Dilemma la plak kan. ticket ade 2 jek org dlm umh ade 3 tu blum cmpur si gemok yg helinye rosak..hahah!!pdn off lagi.Nnt kite cite plak psl heli crash in uniten..huhuh!!Waiting for pic to be sent by Atong the woff!!


Maknyer said...

hensem x pilot yg crash heli tu..btw,sape2 yg bace sila la comment,umpama berak x basuh kalu just singgah je,hehehe

Fati Nagib said...

xpyh la nak umpama kawan aku jek..tempat luah ati yg tebuku.kalu dulu ade kwn2 yg ble share2. skang dh kt sini pon jd la..

ein said...

oihhh.. aku ade post khas untuk ko

hahahahh... Go fudges. Owh with this comment kirenye aku dah cuci berak. muahahahhaha