Thursday, April 24, 2008

My bday treat

What!!?? I'm already 24?? Fuh!! Cam xcaye jek cepatnye mase berlalu. Kalu dulu mase umur 13thn mase form 1 rase kalu jadi org umur 24 mesti best sbb dah ade keje ble beli pape jek yang kite suke. Style pon lain je. Ala2 career woman gituh. Em..itulah die bnyk sgt bace novel dah idup kat alam fantasi. Nah! Amik 13thn ke 24 thn ke same jek aku rase. Duit ade tp xle nak bli pape. Sbb kene byr bnyk bil. Wargh!!! Xsuke!

So sempena 24th burstday nie, me and my clan sudah p melalax di tmpt yg mnjadi spot kami sejak2 berkerjaya nih. Konon nak lepas tension la..Hahah!! Ble terima la. Sbb after went to the place aku rase puas sbb dpt menjerit.

So BadQ has booked the place as we planed. Planednye yg p aku , Ein , Has, BadQ, Apex & Dani. But then last minutes Ein cancel sbb ade urusan keje di Melaka. Ala sedeynye tak cukup power puff girl. Huhu!! After ofis aku rush to KLCC. Dah la smpi lewat ke ofis gara2 bus yg sengal so dgn lagak berani aku sudah chaw awal. Dasar hati kering ni Fati oi!! Ari plak mendung jek. Mase dlm Putra ujan pon telah turun mencurah bumi. Fuh!! Nasib dah dlm Putra kalu x, sure lewat. Aku smpi KLCC kol715pm. Pusing2 dlm KLCC sbb aku silap info patutnye trus ke Ampang Park. So Dani has to fetch me at ISetan. Mmg setan sbb xjupe pintu kuar. Dah 15minit pusing baru sedar slh floor. Kuar je KLCC ujan lebat. Nak taknak redah je..Mase sampai Ampang Park Has, BadQ and hm..speacial guest I guess wink!!wink!!

Dania dah menanti di McD. So we had our loght dinner there while waiting Apex to come. Apex stuck kat Bangsar sbb ujan so we decide to go up first. BTW KTV Plaza Yow Chuan had moved to Ampang Park since the building akan diruntuhkan soon according to BadQ. Mmg cantik la this new karakx kate baru kan.

We had a so so nite..Hehehe..2jam saje karax since time limited esok mau kerja seyh!! After melalak kami trus saje menuju ke Pelita. Lepak2 gelak2 jap then kol12am pulang la... all my frens yg wish me million thanx would enough to say. Luv you all guys!!! Muaxxss!! Wargh!! Next month ramainye ari jadi kwn2 ku. Nape la korng lahir dekat2 nih!!! Sigh!! Extra money!! Extra money plish!!

To Dani: thanx for the pwesent!! Im lovin it!! Huhu!! Tp still xpueh ati nih..Mane cake nye...

Azam umur 24: Chase for the money before time is chasing u. Money is not everthing BUT everything is money..hahahha!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cut-cuti Malaysia

May is coming..Yahoo!!Time to take a break!!So where I should go..Hmm..Rase nk snorkelling.Xpenah experince it.Dulu mase kekecik penah la p Pangkor tapi mase tuh aku aku xjoin my siblings pon since aku takut lemas..HAhaha!!Ngokngek btol!Dah sah2 la pki life jacket kan.Tp skang aku sudah bersemgt kental.Lautan Pasifik sanggup ku redah. So aku kind of searching of pulau2 yg dpt menarik perhatian aku. Dlm list aku for sure la Perhentian and Redang kan..2thn kot aku penah la plan ng housemate aku kan.Plan time loan xmsk lagi..By the time loan masuk je after seminggu loan pon abis dok byr hutang piutang kan.Maka angan dlm sedar je la jdnye.Nak buat cmne kan.hehhee..So hopefully this time my wish to go to that island will come true la..
HAS!!!EIN!!!Bile nak lepaking...aku kangen udah same kalian...xsabo rasenye...aku dah asah suara ni.Tetiap pg telan telur kuning ni.Hahah!!HAS jgn lupe blaja lagu Resah-Ella sbb kite nk kene roxs the nite nnt!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fati di mana??Fati di sinun

Sigh!!Lame gile aku dh xblog..Thanx Ein for remind me..hehee!!Nyaris2 dh nak lupekan password.Perkara yg aku plg suke but in my life.Lupekan password or user name yg ade.Ni semua nye angkara virus-virus cinta yg merebak bagaikan bau kentot yg busuk ke dlm lappy aku yg terchenta....Natijahnye, maka putus la hubungan ku bersame dunia siber..Huarghuarg!!!Xpe2 skang aku sudah ade back up..So no more spider web in my blog..huhu!!!